For Course Creators Who Really Care About Their Students’ Progress
Inspire Your Students to Engage
With a Beautifully Branded Creative Course Workbook
They'll absolutely LOVE to use!
Regular Price: $50, Your Sale Price: $7Customize this 20-page Canva template in under an hour and you'll have a beautiful, valuable course workbook filled with engaging creative activities.
Perfect for your coaching program, webinar, workshop, or welcome kit.
Creative Tactics:
To Get Students Involved
Inside you'll find special page layouts you can use to help your students to complete these kinds of creative activities:
- Assemble a vision board that can be shared online
- Plan the week ahead with specific action steps
- Track progress toward goals, daily or weekly
- Check off the step-by-step process in a learning journey
- Self-directed learning with mini-assessment worksheets
And all pages are 100% editable in Canva pro!
Make it Your Own:
Your colors, your fonts, your images & logo.
This template comes pretty in pink with all fonts and images included (as shown) but it is SO EASY to customize with your branding.
Just a few clicks in Canva to swap out the default design elements, and your creative course workbook will perfectly match the rest of your course branding.
Because creatively-engaged students are satisfied students.
Goal Setting & Tracking
Find the sweet spot between what you know & love to teach, and what your audience will love to learn & BUY, so you can be confident it will sell.
Step-by-Step Planning
Brainstorm & organize your lessons, to know exactly how much content to include (and what to leave out) to help your students get results.
Self-Assessment & Reflection
Pick your perfect pricing based on examples from several different industries, so you can accurately predict the revenue you could expect to generate.
Your Bonuses:
Plus you'll get these little extras I created for you:
Bonus 1
Matching Creative Workbook Explainer Slides (value: $10)
Introduce and explain your creative workbook activities with my plug-&-play Canva Pro slide templates.
10 layouts to present your checklists, schedulers, cheat-sheets, goal-setting, weekly planning, vision boarding & tracker activities.
These slides are easy to customize with your colors and content, and sized perfectly for your webinar or lesson video.
Bonus 2
Creative Workbook Mockups (value: $10)
Ten different Canva Pro template layouts you can use to illustrate what's inside your course - including your new fancy creative activity workbook sheets.
Multi-device mockup templates are ready for your screenshots and purpose-built for your sales page and webinar slides.
Don't just TELL us what's inside your course, SHOW us! Mockups help buyers to see the value and imagine the program experience.
Bonus 3
Ideas for Creative Course Activities: Cheat Sheets (value: $10)
Two pages of research filled with unique learning activities your students will absolutely LOVE.
Includes ideas you can use to promote creative peer-to-peer online activities.
Mix it up in your course to boost engagement, joy, learning, and retention.
About the Author.
I'm Sidneyeve, a Harvard-educated instructional and graphic designer. I have two decades of college classroom teaching experience (on campus and online). And I'm an ICF-certified business coach with a specialization in expressive arts coaching. I use all of this training to design templates for you.
I help coaches and course creators design gorgeous graphics they can use to promote and present their online programs. Because I know that pretty + professional program materials encourage positive emotional connections.
Impactful, engaging, memorable, meaningful learning starts with visually engaging experience design.
You can trust me on this ♡
Buy this set of Canva templates to quickly level up your course experience.
High-value, unique worksheets and templates students will actually use!
Quick Recap
Here's What You're Getting:
20-pages of course trackers, checklists, journal pages and other creative worksheets (Canva Pro templates)
+ 10 explainer slides to teach students how/when/why to use the sheets (Canva Pro templates)
+ 10 creative workbook mockups ready for your sales page and webinar (Canva Pro templates)
+ 2 pages of ideas for creative course activities your students will love to engage with (PDF)
Regular Price: $50, Your Sale Price: $7![](