Thank you! Your Course Outline Template is on its way to your inbox now.
Before you go...would you like some help to complete that course outline quickly?
What's Inside:
- Hundreds of FRESH words & phrases to describe all kinds of course experiences.
- Tips on best-practices for writing course outlines from a Harvard-educated instructional designer (that's me!)
- A TONNE of inspiration!
Compose Quickly.
And in a way that sounds anything but generic. Select the BEST words for a course description that's unique, informative, memorable.
Use this swipe file to write your course outline, then use it again for your sales page, challenge tasks, webinar slides...
Course Outline Swipe File
Will be immediately emailed so you can use it to complete & publish your course outline TODAY.
Plus: My Cheat-Sheet of "10 Unexpected and Unique Learning Activities They'll Absolutely LOVE"